$16.75 $19.50
Omega 3-6-9 is derived from fresh, pure cold-pressed oils of organic flax, borage and deep-water...
$34.50 $39.75
Introducing Omega RED™ - Jamieson’s revolutionary lineup of premium omega-3 supplements. Formulated using only the...
$15.75 $18.00
Omega-3 Brain™ is a pharmaceutical-grade product formulated with a high concentration of the Omega-3 essential...
$15.75 $18.00
Formulated with a high concentration of the Omega-3 essential fatty acid eicosapenatenoic acid (EPA), Omega-3...
$16.25 $18.75
Jamieson's Omega-3 Complete is formulated using EPA and DHA in their natural triglyceride form for...
$16.75 $19.50
Feature summary Omega–3 Emotions™ is specially formulated with a high EPA content to promote mood-elevation...
$13.00 $15.00
Feature summary A high quality wild fish oil product containing standardized levels of omega-3 fatty...
$16.75 $19.25
Feature summary 100% Vegetarian Omega-3 is a high potency source of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and...
$12.00 $14.00
Fatty acids are the basic building blocks of which fats and oils are composed. Certain...
$13.00 $15.00
Feature summary Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid (EFA) your body needs to build...
$21.25 $24.50
Certain fatty acids are considered “essential” because they cannot be produced in the body and...
$14.00 $16.00
Feature summary Omega-3 Super Concentrate with Vitamin D from webber naturals offers 600 mg of...
$14.00 $16.00
Feature summary Canadian processed and super concentrated made from Omega-3 Super Concentrate, (EPA 400, DHA...
$16.75 $19.50
Feature summary SuperVision® Plus Omega-3 and Lutein is a unique formula of natural compounds known...
$13.00 $15.00
產品介紹 Feature summary 本品是一款高質量的野生魚油產品,富含Omega-3脂肪酸。來自於深海冷水域的野生魚類含有非常豐富的Omega-3營養元素,且擁有天然合理的比例。我們的野生魚油是藥房等級的高純度高功效產品。 藥用成份 Medicinal ingredients 每粒含: 野生鮭魚和魚油* (鳳尾魚,沙丁魚及/或鯖魚) 1000毫克 提供: 二十碳五烯酸(EPA) 二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)*分子蒸餾,超純化。...
$24.25 $27.75
Introducing OmegaRED™ - Jamieson’s revolutionary lineup of premium omega-3 supplements. Formulated using only the...
$24.25 $27.75
Introducing OmegaRED™ - Jamieson’s revolutionary lineup of premium omega-3 supplements. Formulated using only the world’s...
$16.75 $19.50
Feature summary RoyalRed® Extra Strength Krill Oil Plus is a source of essential omega-3 fatty...
$16.75 $19.50
Feature summary RoyalRed™ Krill Oil contains 100% krill oil derived from Antarctic krill and is...
$25.25 $29.00
富含Omega3,EPA, DHA。帮助支持认知健康/脑功能,有助于降低血清甘油三酯,并帮助维护心血管健康。 It is sensible to limit our intake of unhealthy fats (hydrogenated, saturated, and...
$25.25 $29.00
Omega-3脂肪酸的最佳来源,用于维护身体的整体健康。帮助支持大脑健康,降低血清甘油三酯,有助于维护心血管 产品介绍: Omega-3脂肪酸的最佳来源,用于维护身体的整体健康。帮助支持大脑健康,有助于降低血清甘油三酯,并有助于维护心血管健康 www.natvd.com主要作用: 高效力野生鱼油标准化,含有至少40%的EPA和20%DHA 维生素E是一种天然抗氧化剂和防腐剂添加 二十碳五烯酸(EPA)和二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)Omega-3有助于心脏健康 EPA 和DHA有助于控制炎症,对轻度过敏反应,关节肿胀,消化道溃疡都有缓解作用 Omega-3对抑郁症和偏头疼有缓解作用 药用成分:每粒软胶囊包含:鱼油...1000毫克提供400毫克的EPA(二十碳五烯酸)和200毫克的DHA(二十二碳六烯酸)(身体的鳀鱼,沙丁鱼和鲑鱼的油)非药用成分:生育酚(天然维生素E)。胶囊壳:甘油,纯净水,明胶。Omega-3 鱼油 - 1000毫克不含乳制品,小麦,麸质,花生,玉米或人工防腐剂。服用方法:成人:每日3粒,随餐服用或遵医嘱 所有SISU鱼油达到或超过加拿大标准的新鲜度和纯度。每一批都经过重金属,二恶英和多氯联苯以及过氧化物值(新鲜的量度)的测试,采用分子蒸馏精制而成。...
$23.50 $27.00
Feature summary Concerned about your cardiovascular health? An even more powerful nutritional solution is now...
$16.75 $19.50
Feature summary Studies show that omega-3s can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease, promote...
$16.75 $19.50
Feature summary Studies show that omega-3 fatty acids can significantly reduce the risk of heart...
$23.50 $27.00
Feature summary Studies show that omega-3s can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease, promote...
$16.75 $19.50
产品介绍 Omega-3脂肪酸里的EPA和DHA,能增进儿童身体的健康和智力的发展。 然而过去20年的饮食文化,虽注重到了要摄取一定比例的饮食和卡路里,却忽略了对儿童发育极为重要的EPA和DHA。今日有许多儿童的健康状况皆是与缺乏EPA和DHA 有关。例如: 注意力不集中和过度活跃(ADD/ADHD),侵略性或敌意行为,和支气管方面的问题(如气喘)。此外,适当补充EPA和 DHA,能促进视觉和认知潜能的开发,并能减少儿童得到第二类型糖尿病的风险。补充EPA和DHA超过3到12个月,能帮助改善有膀胱纤维化困扰的儿童的生活品质,和减少过度活跃或是自闭的现象。此产品可以协助父母亲确认孩子摄取了足够的EPA和DHA。每颗软胶囊含有100毫克EPA和50毫克的DHA,并添加由鲜橙炼制的天然香橙味,即使以咀嚼方式服用,也能让小朋友爱不释口。如果儿童太小无法咀嚼或吞服,可用挤压的方式将软胶囊中的鱼油洒在食物上服用。本产品所选用的纯净鱼油,是由国际知名品牌MEG-3 所生产的。采用独特的专利高技术分子蒸馏法提炼,确保纯净无杂质的高品质鱼油。是全世界唯一的鱼油能达到美国药典的最高标准(USP)认证,通过无重金属、无毒素和无污染的测试和认证。产品作用 促进脑部功能的发展 促进心血管方面的健康 促进良好的血液循环 促进三酸甘油酯的健康水平 能帮助改善注意力不集中和过度活跃(ADD/ADHD) 等症状 促进视力和认知功能的发展 减少儿童得到第二类型糖尿病的风险...
$16.75 $19.50
Feature summary This is a unique blend of omega-3 fatty acids designed to provide maximum...
$16.75 $19.50
产品介绍 Webber Natural 所有鱼油产品系列都是来自MEG-3™的鱼油 MEG-3™品牌鱼油补充品含有最优质纯正的Omega-3。营养学家和专业医护人员皆认同Omega-3脂肪酸对人类整体健康的重要性, 并指出一般人在日常饮食中未能摄取足够的Omega-3。服用MEG-3™饮食补充品,能为您全家提供纯天然的Omega-3,优点包括: 营养丰富 , 纯正, 方便, 安全 ,味道 MEG-3™的营养成份与好处MEG-3™的主要营养成份为人体「必需」的Omega-3 EPA与DHA。二者经科学证明与心血管 和脑部健康有关,同时能促进正常生长与发育,有助: 减低罹患冠心病的机会, 维持脑部健康运作 ,保持视力清晰, ...
$13.00 $15.00
维护脑功能及心血管健康,荷尔蒙平衡及皮肤健康。 冷压法制取富含必需脂肪酸(Essential Fatty Acid, 简称为EFA),可以有效保护脑部功能及心血管健康,荷尔蒙平衡及皮肤健康。必需脂肪酸(Essential Fatty Acid, 简称为EFA)是重要维护最宜的脑子活动、心脏和循环作用、和健康头发和皮肤。缺乏在这些重要脂肪酸里导致许多慢性卫生问题和退化疾病。因为身体不制造根本脂肪酸,他们必须被供应在每日饮食。不幸地,商业处理食物从我们的饮食几乎消灭了omega-3脂肪酸。Omega Factors Oil Blend 提供omega-3(鱼油),omega-6 (亚麻油)并且omega-9(玻璃苣油)平衡的混合。Ultimate Omega Factors...
$16.75 $19.50
Feature summary Choosing the right foods and nutrients to support our health is essential. Ensuring...
$16.75 $19.50
Feature summary Heart disease is the leading cause of death in Canada, accounting for at...
$15.75 $18.00
鱼油是EPA和DHA的丰富来源,鱼肝油提供维生素A和D。摄取足够的Omega-3脂肪酸可以显著降低心脏疾病的风险,支持记忆大大脑健康,并促进胆固醇健康 想象一下,如果健康食品吃起来像柠檬酥皮馅饼多好!一些成年人和儿童不喜欢鱼的腥味所以不喜欢吃鱼油产品。Webber Naturals这款Omega-3柠檬蛋白甜味特体鱼油含有维生素A和1000IU维生素D成分,天然柠檬香味让您忘记鱼油的腥味。除此之外,它还可以提供700毫克的Omega3必须脂肪酸和每日所需的维生素A和D。不用吞咽药丸,没有鱼油的腥味又可以提供全部鱼油营养,适合整个家庭一起服用。 鱼油是EPA和DHA的丰富来源,鱼肝油提供维生素A和D。摄取足够的Omega-3脂肪酸可以显著降低心脏疾病的风险,支持记忆大大脑健康,并促进胆固醇健康和平衡甘油三酯的含量,起到消炎的作用。维生素A对视力健康,维生素D对皮肤和骨骼的发育都起到重要作用。 药用成分:每次1汤匙(15毫升),含有:鱼肝油1233毫克3700毫克(大西洋鳕鱼的肝脏[鳕鳕]和/或太平洋鳕鱼肝[鳕]) ω-3脂肪酸233.3毫克700毫克 提供: 二十碳五烯酸(EPA)100毫克300毫克 十二碳六烯酸(DHA)133.3毫克400毫克维生素A(棕榈)347.3微克RAE(1150 IU)1042微克RAE(3450 IU)维生素D3(胆)8.3微克(333.3 IU)25微克(1000 IU) 非药用成分纯净水,木糖醇,甘油,天然柠檬味,卵磷脂,柠檬酸,瓜尔胶,黄原胶,阿拉伯树胶,迷迭香,混合的生育酚,抗坏血酸棕榈酸酯,山梨酸,香兰素,姜黄油树脂,乙二胺四乙酸二钠。用法用量:成人:每日1汤匙(15毫升),服用前请摇晃均匀。
$13.00 $15.00
Feature summary Boost healthy aging by making dietary and lifestyle choices that support the health of...
$16.75 $19.50
Feature summary The omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA are essential fatty acids (EFAs) your...
$13.00 $15.00
Feature summary 100% Pure. Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which greatly benefit the heart and...
$16.75 $19.50
Feature summary Omega-3 essential fatty acids from cold water fish such as salmon have beneficial...
$15.75 $18.00
Salmon oil helps support cardiovascular health and helps reduce high blood pressure. It relieves joint...