$11.25 $13.00
ProVitamina by Jamieson is a hydrating skincare line containing the purest form of vitamins. Created...
$14.50 $16.75
ProVitamina by Jamieson is a hydrating skincare line containing the purest form of vitamins. Created...
$11.75 $13.50
This product maintains and restores intestinal flora and aids digestion. It provides live microorganisms to...
$19.25 $22.25
Probiotics (“good” bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract) are beneficial because they help digest food and...
$17.00 $19.50
B Complex 100 mg Timed Release aids in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fat and protein...
$21.25 $24.25
B Complex 100 mg Timed Release aids in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fat and protein...
$12.75 $14.75
B Complex is a complete, bio-balanced formula that contains the eight essential B vitamins. It...
$19.00 $22.00
B Complex 75 mg aids in the metabolism of carbohydrates of fat and protein for...
$14.00 $16.00
When sun exposure presents a health risk to sensitive skin, how can your growing baby...
$12.00 $13.75
The natural flavonoids found in peak-harvested bilberries have valuable antioxidant properties and help to strengthen...
$7.50 $8.75
Biotin 250 mcg assists in the metabolism of dietary carbohydrates, fats and protein and helps...
$25.75 $29.75
Jamieson BodyGUARDTM Anti-Inflammatory benefits those who are looking for relief from joint and osteoarthritis pain...
$25.75 $29.75
Jamieson BodyGUARDTM Joint & Bone benefits those who are looking for rapid, natural joint-pain relief...
$25.75 $29.75
Jamieson BodyGUARDTM Night benefits those who suffer from joint and osteoarthritis pain, and as a...
$25.75 $29.75
Jamieson BodyGUARDTM Sport benefits those with an active lifestyle, who experience joint pain from more...
$12.50 $14.50
Jamieson’s Calcium + D gummies are a fun and delicious way to meet your daily...
$7.50 $8.75
New spearmint-flavoured Calcium Cal-Chews™ chewable tablets maintain strong bones and healthy teeth and help prevent...
$10.75 $12.25
Calcium Citrate with Vitamin D is ideal for seniors and people with low stomach acid....
$9.00 $10.50
Calcium Magnesium helps maintain strong bones and healthy teeth and helps prevent osteoporosis, which increases...
$9.00 $10.50
Calcium Magnesium with Vitamin D maintains strong bones and teeth and helps prevent osteoporosis to...
$9.00 $10.50
Calcium Magnesium with Zinc maintains strong bones and teeth and helps prevent osteoporosis to reduce...
$9.25 $10.75
Calcium is a major mineral best known for its role building and maintaining strong, healthy...
$11.00 $12.50
Canadian Ginseng has a "cooling" and calming effect on the body. It supports a healthy...
$13.00 $15.00
Chewable Probiotic balances intestinal microflora and helps improve overall digestive and immune health. Safe for...
$10.50 $12.00
Chewable Vita-Vim™ contains a complete spectrum of 20 essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients that provide...
$8.00 $9.25
Chewable Vitamin C promotes healthy capillaries, gums, and teeth and aids in iron absorption. It...
$8.00 $9.25
Tasty Vitamin C Chewable Grape promotes healthy capillaries, gums and teeth and aids in iron...
$8.00 $9.25
When you're feeling under the weather, what could taste better than a shot of refreshing...
$8.00 $9.25
When you're feeling under the weather, what could taste better than a shot of refreshing...
$8.00 $9.25
Enjoy your Vitamin C in the naturally sweet tropical fruit flavours of mango, passion fruit,...
$8.00 $9.25
Tasty Vitamin C — Chewable Wild Blueberry promotes healthy capillaries, gums and teeth and aids...
$6.25 $7.25
Vitamin D is an essential nutrient for optimal health and vitality. It helps your body...
$6.25 $7.25
Taste the sunshine with Jamieson’s new natural orange Vitamin D! Well-known for the important role...
$7.00 $8.00
Cod Liver Oil assists in maintaining a healthy immune system and help ease symptoms of...
$14.00 $16.00
COLD-A-TAK®含有临床验证水平,100%有机认证的紫锥菊。所有原料从新鲜的有机紫锥菊中提取,用于降低感冒的严重程度和持续时间,并提供全年免疫支持。虽然可以使用任何紫锥菊提取物来对抗或预防感冒。大多数紫锥菊提取物没有经过规范化处理以离析最关键的三种活性化合物,即烷基胺,多糖和菊苣酸。研究已经表明,这些生物活性有免疫调节和增强免疫细胞的作用。COLD-A-TAK科学、高效,优质,是对流感的最好防御。COLD-A-TAK,帮助你以3倍的速度摆脱感冒! 产品特点 适合儿童或有困难吞咽胶囊的人群 药用成分 每1毫升包含:Echinilin®(紫松果菊)标准化提取物,1:1(地上部分和根)(1毫升Echinilin®相当于1克粗松果草本植物)。非药用成分甘油,水。
$3.75 $4.50
担心感冒?COLD-A-TAK®含有临床验证水平,100%有机认证的紫锥菊。所有原料从新鲜的有机紫锥菊中提取,用于降低感冒的严重程度和持续时间,并提供全年免疫支持。虽然可以使用任何紫锥菊提取物来对抗或预防感冒。大多数紫锥菊提取物没有经过规范化处理以离析最关键的三种活性化合物,即烷基胺,多糖和菊苣酸。研究已经表明,这些生物活性有免疫调节和增强免疫细胞的作用。COLD-A-TAK科学、高效,优质,是对流感的最好防御。COLD-A-TAK,帮助你以3倍的速度摆脱感冒! 产品特点 •有效减少感冒的严重程度和持续时间•包含最关键的三种活性化合物,即烷基胺,多糖和菊苣酸•吸塑包装方便外出使用 药用成分 每个软胶囊包含: Echinilin®有机紫锥菊2.4:1提取物(紫锥菊)(地上部分和根)250毫克 相当于600毫克干药草 非药用成分软胶囊(明胶,甘油,纯净水,角豆),植物油,淀粉,卵磷脂,二氧化硅。
$14.00 $16.00
产品特点 36%香芹酚,提供常年免疫支持 手工收割和野生制作的地中海有机牛 采用蒸汽蒸馏以保持最大纯度和效力,确保产品无化学品 液体形式有利于吸收 Oregano(牛至)绝非普通的草本植物。当现代科学将矛头指向细菌时,中医和传统医学用牛至油来治疗各种感染,包括局部和内部。牛至的抗菌活性能消灭细菌,真菌,及某些肠道寄生虫,同时具有抗氧化和抗炎作用。抗生素耐药性是一个日益受到关注的问题,过度使用抗生素使细菌具有耐药性。自然疗法变得越来越有价值。牛至油被证明是为数不多的补救措施之一,帮助打击这些超级细菌。牛至油也是一种抗氧化剂,能够清除自由基,有助于防止细胞损伤。它的抗氧化能力是蓝莓的4倍,桔子的12倍,甚至高于维生素E。数以百计的研究已经证明了挥发性精油和酚类,尤其是香芹酚、百里香酚、迷迭香酸的协同效力。COLD-A-TAK牛至油采用有机、野生的牛至,并使用手工收割。为了保持活性成分,整株草药经蒸汽蒸馏,不使用任何学物质。本品综合高强度牛至油和80%香芹酚,便捷的胶囊形态,以避免刺鼻的牛至气味。 药用成分 每0.15毫升(4滴)包含: 有机牛至油*(牛至)(叶)(36%香芹酚),27.5毫克维生素E(D-α生育酚)(非转基因葵花籽)AT1毫克(1.49 IU)*野生制作的有机地中海牛至。油从使用蒸汽蒸馏钦叶中提取,以确保油是无化学品。非药用成分:有机橄榄油。
$14.00 $16.00
Oregano(牛至)绝非普通的草本植物。当现代科学将矛头指向细菌时,中医和传统医学用牛至油来治疗各种感染,包括局部和内部。牛至的抗菌活性能消灭细菌,真菌,及某些肠道寄生虫,同时具有抗氧化和抗炎作用。抗生素耐药性是一个日益受到关注的问题,过度使用抗生素使细菌具有耐药性。自然疗法变得越来越有价值。牛至油被证明是为数不多的补救措施之一,帮助打击这些超级细菌。牛至油也是一种抗氧化剂,能够清除自由基,有助于防止细胞损伤。它的抗氧化能力是蓝莓的4倍,桔子的12倍,甚至高于维生素E。数以百计的研究已经证明了挥发性精油和酚类,尤其是香芹酚、百里香酚、迷迭香酸的协同效力。COLD-A-TAK牛至油采用有机、野生的牛至,并使用手工收割。为了保持活性成分,整株草药经蒸汽蒸馏,不使用任何学物质。本品综合高强度牛至油和80%香芹酚,便捷的胶囊形态,以避免刺鼻的牛至气味。 产品特点 80%香芹酚,提供常年免疫支持手工收割和野生制作的地中海有机牛采用蒸汽蒸馏以保持最大纯度和效力,确保产品无化学品液体形式有利于吸收 药用成分 各0.15毫升(4滴)包含:有机牛至油*(牛至)(叶)(80%香芹酚)30毫克维生素E(D-α生育酚)(非转基因葵花籽)AT1毫克(1.49 IU)*野生制作的有机地中海牛至。油从使用蒸汽蒸馏钦叶中提取,以确保油是无化学品。非药用成分: 有机橄榄油。
$14.00 $16.00
Oregano(牛至)绝非普通的草本植物。当现代科学将矛头指向细菌时,中医和传统医学用牛至油来治疗各种感染,包括局部和内部。牛至的抗菌活性能消灭细菌,真菌,及某些肠道寄生虫,同时具有抗氧化和抗炎作用。抗生素耐药性是一个日益受到关注的问题,过度使用抗生素使细菌具有耐药性。自然疗法变得越来越有价值。牛至油被证明是为数不多的补救措施之一,帮助打击这些超级细菌。牛至油也是一种抗氧化剂,能够清除自由基,有助于防止细胞损伤。它的抗氧化能力是蓝莓的4倍,桔子的12倍,甚至高于维生素E。数以百计的研究已经证明了挥发性精油和酚类,尤其是香芹酚、百里香酚、迷迭香酸的协同效力。COLD-A-TAK牛至油采用有机、野生的牛至,并使用手工收割。为了保持活性成分,整株草药经蒸汽蒸馏,不使用任何学物质。本品综合高强度牛至油和36%香芹酚,便捷的胶囊形态,以避免刺鼻的牛至气味。 产品特点 保证36%的高效力香芹酚,提供常年免疫支持 服用方便,小粒胶囊,没有强烈的味道 方便的吸塑包装,非常适合工作和旅行 手工收割和野生制作的地中海有机牛 用蒸汽蒸馏以保持最大纯度和效力,确保产品无化学品 药用成分 每个软胶囊含有:有机牛至油*(牛至)(叶)(36%香芹酚)110毫克维生素E(D-α生育酚)(非转基因葵花籽)AT1毫克(1.49 IU)*野生制作的有机地中海牛至。油从使用蒸汽蒸馏钦叶中提取,以确保油是无化学品。非药用成分软胶囊(明胶,甘油,纯净水),有机冷榨橄榄油。
$14.00 $16.00
Oregano(牛至)绝非普通的草本植物。当现代科学将矛头指向细菌时,中医和传统医学用牛至油来治疗各种感染,包括局部和内部。牛至的抗菌活性能消灭细菌,真菌,及某些肠道寄生虫,同时具有抗氧化和抗炎作用。抗生素耐药性是一个日益受到关注的问题,过度使用抗生素使细菌具有耐药性。自然疗法变得越来越有价值。牛至油被证明是为数不多的补救措施之一,帮助打击这些超级细菌。牛至油也是一种抗氧化剂,能够清除自由基,有助于防止细胞损伤。它的抗氧化能力是蓝莓的4倍,桔子的12倍,甚至高于维生素E。数以百计的研究已经证明了挥发性精油和酚类,尤其是香芹酚、百里香酚、迷迭香酸的协同效力。COLD-A-TAK牛至油采用有机、野生的牛至,并使用手工收割。为了保持活性成分,整株草药经蒸汽蒸馏,不使用任何学物质。本品综合高强度牛至油和80%香芹酚,便捷的胶囊形态,以避免刺鼻的牛至气味。 产品特点 保证80%的高效力香芹酚,提供常年免疫支持 服用方便,小粒胶囊,没有强烈的味道 方便的吸塑包装,非常适合工作和旅行 手工收割和野生制作的地中海有机牛 用蒸汽蒸馏以保持最大纯度和效力,确保产品无化学品 药用成分 每个软胶囊含有:有机牛至油*(牛至)(叶)(80%香芹酚)180毫克维生素E(D-α生育酚)(非转基因葵花籽)AT1毫克(1.49 IU)*野生制作的有机地中海牛至。油从使用蒸汽蒸馏钦叶中提取,以确保油是无化学品。非药用成分软胶囊(明胶,甘油,纯净水),有机冷榨橄榄油。
$17.00 $19.75
Collagen is a matrix of natural proteins found in skin, muscle and connective tissue —...
$23.50 $27.00
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a naturally occurring compound found throughout all cells in the body....
$19.00 $22.00
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a naturally occurring compound found throughout all cells in the body....
$14.75 $17.00
Jamieson CoQ10 100 mg with Omega-3 combines two proven ingredients to effectively support heart health....
$9.50 $11.00
Drinking cranberry juice is a traditional method used to prevent urinary tract infections. Cranberries contain...
$11.25 $13.00
Digestive enzyme therapy can be an important first step in restoring health for many underlying...
$13.25 $15.25
Echinacea Angustifolia is an immune-system booster with antibiotic and anti-fungal activity. It helps prevent symptoms...
$9.25 $10.50
Echinacea provides enhanced nutritional support for a healthy immune system. It provides anti-fungal and antibiotic...