$25.75 $29.75
Digestive aid. Helps digest protein. Good digestion is essential for everyday health and well-being, but...
$25.75 $29.75
Digestive aid. Helps digest protein. Good digestion is essential for everyday health and well-being, but...
$9.75 $11.25
Your daily multivitamin is now a refreshing fruity treat! Jamieson’s new Multi Gummies come in...
$27.00 $31.25
Multi vitamin and mineral supplement. A factor in the maintenance of good health. To function...
$16.50 $19.00
Benefits: This combination multi vitamin contains 36 vitamins, minerals and nutrients including lipotrophic factors and...
$12.50 $14.50
Feature summary MultiSure Multivitamin with Minerals for men 50 and older, is an iron-free formula...
$12.50 $14.50
Feature summary MultiSure customized multivitamin/multimineral for men provides fundamental nutrients in an iron-free formula with...
$12.50 $14.50
Feature summary MultiSure® for Women 50+ is an iron-free formula with higher amounts of calcium...
$12.50 $14.50
Feature summary MultiSure for Women is a is a complete multiple vitamin and mineral formula...
$4.50 $5.25
Feature summary A value-priced, comprehensive vitamin formula that provides the body with daily nutritional insurance....
$24.50 $28.25
To help relieve symptoms of chronic bronchitis. To help reduce symptoms of respiratory infection and...
$17.75 $20.25
Antioxidants for the maintenance of good health. Allergies occur when the immune system identifies a...
$20.50 $23.50
Feature summary NEM Natural Eggshell Membrane provides the fastest, most effective natural solution for relieving...
$26.75 $30.75
Bones and joints should be top of mind for people from all walks of life;...
$12.00 $13.75
This product provides relief of nervousness, restlessness, insomnia, and helps treat mild depression. It is...
$15.50 $17.75
Niacin with Inositol helps reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels and supports overall cardiovascular health. It...
$7.50 $8.75
Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 500 mg improves circulation by dilating blood vessels. It supports digestive-system health...
$12.30 $14.25
Feature summary Niacin, vitamin B3, is an important factor in the health of our circulatory...
$9.25 $10.50
Garlic is traditionally used to treat upper respiratory tract infections and it alleviates bronchial congestion....
$21.25 $24.50
Omega 3-6-9 is derived from fresh, pure cold-pressed oils of organic flax, borage and deep-water...
$21.25 $24.50
Omega 3-6-9 is derived from fresh, pure cold-pressed oils of organic flax, borage and deep-water...
$16.75 $19.50
Omega 3-6-9 is derived from fresh, pure cold-pressed oils of organic flax, borage and deep-water...
$34.50 $39.75
Introducing Omega RED™ - Jamieson’s revolutionary lineup of premium omega-3 supplements. Formulated using only the...
$15.75 $18.00
Omega-3 Brain™ is a pharmaceutical-grade product formulated with a high concentration of the Omega-3 essential...
$15.75 $18.00
Formulated with a high concentration of the Omega-3 essential fatty acid eicosapenatenoic acid (EPA), Omega-3...
$16.25 $18.75
Jamieson's Omega-3 Complete is formulated using EPA and DHA in their natural triglyceride form for...
$16.75 $19.50
Feature summary Omega–3 Emotions™ is specially formulated with a high EPA content to promote mood-elevation...
$13.00 $15.00
Feature summary A high quality wild fish oil product containing standardized levels of omega-3 fatty...
$16.75 $19.25
Feature summary 100% Vegetarian Omega-3 is a high potency source of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and...
$9.00 $10.25
Our first Omega-3 formula scientifically formulated for children!These all-natural, fruit-flavoured gummies contain an optimally balanced...
$12.00 $14.00
Fatty acids are the basic building blocks of which fats and oils are composed. Certain...
$13.00 $15.00
Feature summary Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid (EFA) your body needs to build...
$21.25 $24.50
Omega-3 Select supports cardiovascular health by helping reduce triglyceride levels. It may play a role...
$21.25 $24.50
Certain fatty acids are considered “essential” because they cannot be produced in the body and...
$14.00 $16.00
Feature summary Omega-3 Super Concentrate with Vitamin D from webber naturals offers 600 mg of...
$14.00 $16.00
Feature summary Canadian processed and super concentrated made from Omega-3 Super Concentrate, (EPA 400, DHA...
$16.75 $19.50
Feature summary SuperVision® Plus Omega-3 and Lutein is a unique formula of natural compounds known...
$13.00 $15.00
產品介紹 Feature summary 本品是一款高質量的野生魚油產品,富含Omega-3脂肪酸。來自於深海冷水域的野生魚類含有非常豐富的Omega-3營養元素,且擁有天然合理的比例。我們的野生魚油是藥房等級的高純度高功效產品。 藥用成份 Medicinal ingredients 每粒含: 野生鮭魚和魚油* (鳳尾魚,沙丁魚及/或鯖魚) 1000毫克 提供: 二十碳五烯酸(EPA) 二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)*分子蒸餾,超純化。...
$24.25 $27.75
Introducing OmegaRED™ - Jamieson’s revolutionary lineup of premium omega-3 supplements. Formulated using only the world’s...
$24.25 $27.75
Introducing OmegaRED™ - Jamieson’s revolutionary lineup of premium omega-3 supplements. Formulated using only the...
$24.25 $27.75
Introducing OmegaRED™ - Jamieson’s revolutionary lineup of premium omega-3 supplements. Formulated using only the world’s...
$9.75 $11.00
维生素B群,草本抗压,支持新陈代谢 压力、老化、活跃的生活方式、脆弱的消化道、饮酒、PMS、更年期和心血管病都要去我们增加B族维生素的摄取。维生素B摄取不足在生活中非常常见,维生素B缺乏通常与疲劳、失眠、消沉和偏头痛联系在一起。在饮食中, B族维生素在酵母、绿叶蔬菜和扁豆存在。B12的最佳的来源是肉,和海鲜,因此素食主义者特别需要服用维生素B补充剂。如果身体或心理上的压力开始影响们的健康,那么补充维生素B群,将明显帮助我们的神经系统恢复到放松的状态。 产品功效 维生素B是重要的补充剂,帮助你的身体应付日常生活的压力,并保持良好的健康。它有助于形成红细胞和代谢碳水化合物,脂肪和蛋白质。它还有助于组织形成和支持肝功能。 适用人群 有助于保持身体健康,组织形成和代谢碳水化合物。 药用成分---每片含 胆碱(酒石酸胆碱)................................................................................100毫克 肌醇.................................................................................................................... 100毫克 维生素B3(烟酰胺)........................................... .........................................100毫克 维生素B5/泛酸(钙-d泛酸钙)............................100毫克 维生素B1(盐酸硫胺)............
$10.75 $12.50
Benefits: 传统上用来预防和治疗尿路感染。蔓越莓的药用价值已被广泛接受。粉状提取物,没有添加糖或人工甜味剂。 药用成分 蔓越莓果汁12:1浓缩.......................................300毫克(越桔macrocarpon Aiton) 非药用成分 微晶纤维素,硬脂酸镁,明胶(胶囊)。 用法用量 成人:每日两次,每次1粒,须饮水。须连续使用4周以看到效果。 警告 有肾结石病史,或正在服用血液稀释剂者,请使用前咨询保健医生。如果症状持续或加重,请咨询保健医生 不含 牛奶,鸡蛋,人工防腐剂,色素,酵母,人工甜味剂,小麦,面筋,大豆或玉米。
$17.00 $19.50
A free radical is an atom or group of atoms that contains at least one...
$7.00 $8.00
有效减少关节疼痛,有助于缓解关节炎的症状,防止软骨慢性关节疾病的恶化。 维骨力(葡糖胺盐酸盐)是一种生物活性物质,体合成糖胺聚糖,透明质酸,蛋白聚糖和胶原蛋白。这些元素都是修复,维持健康软骨和关节的必要营养成分。 药用成分 每个胶囊含:氨基葡萄糖盐酸盐(贝类外骨骼,软骨)..........................500毫克非药用成分:微晶纤维素,硬脂酸镁,明胶(胶囊)。 不包含任何:牛奶,鸡蛋,人造防腐剂,色素,酵母,人工甜味剂,小麦,大豆,麸质或玉米。 用法用量 成人:每日三次,与水同服。 注意事项 至少服用4周以显示效果。 如果症状加重,请咨询保健医生。 怀孕或哺乳期禁用。
$13.00 $15.00
Feature summary Finding it difficult to keep bad LDL cholesterol in check but hesitating to...
$9.75 $11.25
亚麻籽油富含植物性omega-3脂肪酸,健脑益脑,同时维护心脏。 本品同时含有必需脂肪酸,α-亚麻酸,以及良好健康的维持的omega-3脂肪酸。 药用成分 亚麻籽油(亚麻L.)(全籽).............................1000毫克 (标准化含有50%阿尔法亚麻酸(ALA)) 非药用成分:维生素E,明胶(胶囊),甘油,纯净水,角豆粉作为天然着色剂。 不含:牛奶,鸡蛋,人工防腐剂,人工色素,酵母,人工甜味剂,小麦,麸质,或玉米。 用法用量 每日三次,每次一粒,随餐就水。
$14.00 $16.25
以内养外,保护视力,预防青光眼、近视眼。 除了戴隐形眼镜和眼镜来帮助我们看得更清楚,以内养外的支持对我们的眼睛更为重要。从小,父母总是催促我们多吃胡萝卜。虽然,吃大量胡萝卜不会让我们具有超人的夜视功能,但胡萝卜素带来的抗氧化功能对我们的视力保护的确非常有益。 ORGANIKA的健康视力素食胶囊,是保持视力,夜间视力和身体健康的综合配方。 β-胡萝卜素是维生素A的来源,帮助维持视力,皮肤,细胞膜和免疫功能。叶黄素是一种抗氧化剂,从万寿菊花收集,帮助维护用眼卫生。维生素C是一种很有价值的抗氧化剂,保持身体健康。把ORGANIKA的健康视力胶囊纳入到日常饮食中,能预防近视眼、青光眼,帮助保持良好的视力。特点:小米草,越桔多的组合有助于增加眼睛血流量。 强化叶黄素和酯化维生素C,是实现眼睛健康的最佳组合。 推荐用途或目的: β-胡萝卜素是维生素A的来源,帮助维持视力,皮肤,细胞膜和免疫功能。叶黄素是一种抗氧化剂,从万寿菊花收集,帮助维护用眼卫生。维生素C是一种很有价值的抗氧化剂,保持身体健康。 药用成分 每个素食胶囊含有: β-胡萝卜素(全反式β-胡萝卜素).......................................50微克 维生素C(即时C钙抗坏血酸).............. ..........................80毫克 叶黄素(万寿菊花(隔离万寿菊L.)).......................2毫克 非药用成分:葡萄籽提取物,米粉,硬脂酸镁,羟丙甲纤维素/普鲁兰多糖(素食胶囊)。 用法用量...