$21.75 $25.00
Feature summary PGX Daily Singles contain unflavoured PGX granules that can be mixed easily with...
$21.75 $25.00
Feature summary Feel good about eating again! Wherever you go! Main selling features Reduces...
$2.75 $3.00
Feature summary The PGX Satisfast Organic Vegan 15 g Protein Bar is USDA Organic certified,...
$15.75 $18.00
Feature summary The PGX Satisfast Organic Vegan 15 g Protein Bar is USDA Organic certified,...
$21.75 $25.00
Feature summary Feel full longer, control appetite and help blood sugar balance with webber naturals...
$21.75 $25.00
Feature summary Feel full longer, control appetite and help blood sugar balance with webber naturals...
$39.25 $45.25
Promotes eye health in people with normal tension glaucoma. Our eyes work harder today than...
$13.00 $15.00
Benefits Traditionally used in Herbal Medicine RECOMMENDED USE OR PURPOSE: Traditionally used in Herbal Medicine...
$15.00 $17.25
Lower Your Cholesterol Scientific BackgroundHeart disease, including stroke, is a leading cause of death in...
$10.25 $11.75
Potassium regulates fluid balance in the body and promotes normal muscle function, including helping to...
$7.50 $8.50
Potassium regulates fluid balance in the body and promotes normal muscle function, including helping to...
$14.75 $17.00
Don’t relinquish your power! Jamieson’s new Power Vitamins for Men 50+ contains a precise combination...
$14.75 $17.00
Enhanced with more Vitamin D, Jamieson's Power Vitamins™ for Men is specifically formulated to provide...
$13.50 $15.50
Benefits: Natural Anti-microbial. RECOMMENDED USE OR PURPOSE: Natural Anti-microbial. MEDICINAL INGREDIENT - EACH SOFTGEL CAPSULE...
$17.25 $19.75
Daily requirements for most essential vitamins and minerals increase during pregnancy. Prenatal Multivitamin provides the...
$21.25 $24.50
This convenient, two-in-one kit contains daily supplements that are ideal for expectant and nursing mothers,...
$19.75 $22.75
Jamieson Probiotic —10 Billion Active Cells balances intestinal microflora and is used for overall digestive...
$26.75 $31.00
Jamieson Probiotic — 30 Billion Active Cells balances intestinal microflora and is used for overall...
$17.75 $20.50
Probiotics are good bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract, beneficial because they help digest food and...
$4.25 $4.75
Feature summary Bifidobacteria are the most important bacteria in the large intestine. They lower the...
$24.50 $28.25
For the relief of urinary symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia. In benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH),...
$11.00 $13.00
Organika unites the antioxidant benefits of the Pagoda Tree (Sophorae japonica) with the nutritional benefits...
$14.75 $17.00
Red Dragon™ Imperial Ginseng is a superlative health tonic that is ideal for creating energy...
$12.75 $14.75
Regular Vita-Vim™ is a precision combination of 32 essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients that is...
$8.25 $9.50
Jamieson Relax and SleepTM Herbal Formula is used for the relief of insomnia and the...
$18.00 $20.75
Jamieson Laboratories’ groundbreaking anti-aging and heart-healthy formula is made from two naturally sourced active ingredients...
$11.75 $13.50
Feature summary Resveratrol is found naturally in a variety of plants such as red grapes...
$8.25 $9.50
Feature summary Is your schedule overflowing with work, school, and family activities? Could you use...
$8.25 $9.50
To help decrease fatigue associated with work-related stress. Excess or unfulfilling work, aging, poor quality...
$14.25 $16.50
Benefits: Riz.Strol plus is a unique blend of natural products that work together to manage...
$16.75 $19.50
Feature summary RoyalRed® Extra Strength Krill Oil Plus is a source of essential omega-3 fatty...
$16.75 $19.50
Feature summary RoyalRed™ Krill Oil contains 100% krill oil derived from Antarctic krill and is...
$11.50 $13.25
Premium Omega-3s in a bonus format! Our newest Omega-3 formula provides essential fatty acids for...
$12.75 $14.75
Benefits: Prostate health is a concern for every man,seeing half the male population over 50...
$11.50 $13.25
Feature summary Almost all men over 50 will experience some degree of prostate enlargement. This...
$9.50 $11.00
Selenium is a potent antioxidant that protects the body from tissue damage and supports cardiovascular,...
$9.50 $11.00
Yeast-Free Selenium is a potent antioxidant that protects the body from tissue damage and supports...
$8.50 $9.75
Selenium Yeast is a potent antioxidant that protects the body from free-radical damage. It supports...
$11.00 $12.50
An antioxidant for the maintenance of good health. Helps to prevent selenium deficiency. Oxidation is...
$25.25 $29.00
Glucosamine Chondroitin 500 mg is a natural approach to treating and impeding the progression of...
$35.50 $41.00
Glucosamine Chondroitin 900 mg helps stimulate the growth of worn-out cartilage as well as destroy...
$14.75 $17.00
Siberian ginseng helps to relieve fatigue, stress and anxiety as well as enhance strength and...
$15.25 $17.50
Silica helps maintain and repair collagen and connective tissue, as well as heal bones and...
$12.25 $14.25
产品介绍 SISU专为婴幼儿设计的双歧杆菌,安全有效易吸收。 新生儿出生后拥有完全无菌的肠道。出生后不久就细菌开始征服整个胃肠道系统,那些形成后的 细菌独特而複杂的,"好"和"坏"的细菌的平衡对宝宝的健康是非常重要的。但是,婴儿和幼儿的细菌平衡是很容易受到破坏溷乱,特别是因为他们对未知事物的 好奇。例如,不干净、脏的手指放在口中、 疾病、 或抗生素的服用会导致益生菌、健康的菌群在肠道内会不堪重负,可迅速导致过多的有害菌。 这种不平衡会导致胃的不适,例如腹泻,消化不良和降低免疫功能。益生菌的补充被证明是非常安全的,即使是易受伤害的婴幼儿,是一种简单有效,以帮助防止肠胃道问题、 增强抵御能力的和恢複胃肠道的健康。 产品特点 * 帮助促进消化,增加宝宝从食物中营养的摄取* 对结肠健康和免疫系统健康的起到非常大的帮助* 100%双歧杆菌,儿童身体在最普遍的菌群* 双歧杆菌对抗击病原菌,保护肠胃,特别是结肠健康有非常大的帮助*...
$13.75 $15.75
产品介绍 婴儿出生的时候整个肠道是完全无菌的。出生后不久,细菌就开始在整个肠胃道系统中开始蔓 延,形成独特的,複杂的溷合好与坏细菌,对人体的健康非常关键。不幸的是,对于新生儿尤其是在他们探索世界的过程中,例如吃手,将髒东西放入口中都会导致 细菌进入身体,造成胃部不适,腹泻或者消化能力减退以及免疫力下降。补充益生菌已被证明是一种安全而又简单有效的方法。有助于预防和修複儿童肠道问题。 产品特点 * 有助于促进食物中营养物质的吸收和消化* 肠道健康和免疫系统健康的重要因素* 50%的双歧杆菌* 双歧杆菌对抗病原体的和促进肠道健康* 乳酸杆菌可以增加儿童免疫系统,当他们长大后,双歧杆菌产生人体所需的维生素和提高整体消化* 体积小,易于咀嚼 药用成份 每粒咀嚼片含:婴儿双歧杆菌(M-63) 10亿CFU*嗜酸乳杆菌(HA-122)...
$13.75 $15.75
益生菌,有助于肠道健康的菌群。 为了获得最佳的健康,我们需要细菌在我们的胃肠(GI)系统中达到健康平衡。不幸的是,细菌菌群在胃肠系统中的平衡很容易被外界因素破坏,如,食物污染,压力,疾病,或使用抗生素。这会迅速导致胃部不适,包括腹泻,长期消化能力差,降低免疫功能。 益生菌补充剂是一种简单而有效的方法帮助防止胃肠道问题,修复恢复肠胃健康。 产品特点 有助于改善消化系统中食物营养素的吸收 12.5%的双歧杆菌支持结肠健康和免疫系统的健康 双歧杆菌能产生必需的维生素和改善乳糖不耐症,乳酸杆菌能改善整体消化水平 两种菌群结合能有效治疗腹泻 药用成分 每个素食胶囊含有:嗜酸乳杆菌(HA-122)...1.75亿CFU*鼠李糖乳杆菌(HA-111)...1.75亿CFU*长双歧杆菌(BB536)... 500亿CFU**菌落形成单位 非药用成分:木薯淀粉,麦芽糊精,硬脂酸镁(蔬菜),抗坏血酸,马铃薯淀粉。胶囊壳:羟丙甲纤维素。 成人用量:每日2-4粒,或遵医嘱。
$24.50 $28.25
益生菌,有助于肠道健康的菌群 为了获得最佳的健康,我们需要细菌在我们的胃肠(GI)系统中达到健康平衡。不幸的是,细菌菌群在胃肠系统中的平衡很容易被外界因素破坏,如,食物污染,压力,疾病,或使用抗生素。这会迅速导致胃部不适,包括腹泻,长期消化能力差,降低免疫功能。 益生菌补充剂是一种简单而有效的方法帮助防止胃肠道问题,修复恢复肠胃健康。 . 产品特点 有助于改善消化系统中食物营养素的吸收 12.5%的双歧杆菌支持结肠健康和免疫系统的健康 双歧杆菌能产生必需的维生素和改善乳糖不耐症,乳酸杆菌能改善整体消化水平 两种菌群结合能有效治疗腹泻 药用成分 每粒素食胶囊含: 嗜酸乳杆菌(HA-122)...3.75亿CFU*鼠李糖乳杆菌(HA-111)...3.75亿CFU*长双歧杆菌(BB536)......2.5亿CFU**菌落形成单位非药用成分:木薯淀粉,麦芽糊精,硬脂酸镁(蔬菜),抗坏血酸,马铃薯淀粉。胶囊壳:羟丙甲纤维素。 成人用量:每日1-2粒,或遵医嘱。
$25.50 $29.25
益生菌,有助于自然健康的肠道菌群。 为了获得最佳的健康,我们需要细菌在我们的胃肠(GI)系统达到健康平衡。不幸的是,细菌菌群在胃肠系统中经常失衡。压力、疾病或一个疗程的抗生素可能会导致益生菌不堪重负,可能迅速导致胃部不适,腹泻,消化能力下降和免疫功能降低。益生菌补充剂是一种简单而有效的方法,以帮助防止胃肠道问题,修复损伤,恢复肠胃健康。 产品信息 •帮助改善消化道食物营养素的吸收•增强免疫系统功能,特别是结肠健康•双歧杆菌(B.婴儿)防止病原体和促进肠道(尤其是大肠)的健康•乳酸杆菌(嗜酸乳杆菌和鼠李糖乳杆菌)与双歧杆菌产生人体必需的维生素,改善乳糖不耐症和整体消化•治疗腹泻 药用成分 每片含:药用成分:婴儿双歧杆菌(M-63)...1亿CFU*嗜酸乳杆菌(HA-122)〜500亿CFU*鼠李糖乳杆菌(HA-111)〜500亿CFU**菌落形成单位 非药用成分 山梨糖醇,果糖,微晶纤维素,硅酸钙,柠檬酸,硬脂酸,硬脂酸镁(蔬菜),天然樱桃香料,樱桃汁浓缩物,抗坏血酸,马铃薯淀粉。 不包含小麦,花生,人工色素,人工香料或人工防腐剂。 用法用量 成人:每日2-3次,每次咀嚼2片或遵医嘱。儿童(4岁以上):每日1-3次,每次1片或遵医嘱。