$12.50 $14.50
Feature summary MultiSure Multivitamin with Minerals for men 50 and older, is an iron-free formula...
$12.50 $14.50
Feature summary MultiSure customized multivitamin/multimineral for men provides fundamental nutrients in an iron-free formula with...
$12.50 $14.50
Feature summary MultiSure® for Women 50+ is an iron-free formula with higher amounts of calcium...
$12.50 $14.50
Feature summary MultiSure for Women is a is a complete multiple vitamin and mineral formula...
$4.25 $4.75
Feature summary Crucial in conjunction with calcium for nerve and muscle maintenance, this important mineral...
$6.50 $7.50
Feature summary The trace mineral selenium functions primarily as a component of the antioxidant enzyme...
$5.75 $6.75
Feature summary As much as 50% of the body’s magnesium is found in the bones,...
$3.50 $4.00
产品介绍 糖尿病,代谢综合征,胰岛素不耐这些血糖问题都会影响生活质量。它们都涉及到身体的细胞激素对胰岛素作出反应,将血糖转换成能量的能力,实现血糖和胰岛素水平之间的平衡是整体健康和幸福必不可少的。葡萄糖能满足能量需求,但是,当血糖水平过高或过低,健康问题就会出现。铬是身体重要微量矿物质,有许多功效,但对促进胰岛素吸收有特别功效。饮食中缺乏铬,导致胰岛素抗性和II型糖尿病。Webber 元素铬有助于恢复碳水化合物的正常代谢处理,有助于血糖水平正常化和降低胰岛素不耐。 产品特色 每日一片 有60片和180片装两种选择 药用成分 每片含: 元素铬 (HVP* ) 200 微克 *...
$5.50 $6.50
每片含:维生素A(棕榈酸)3毫克RAE(10,000 IU)维生素B1(盐酸硫胺)10毫克维生素B2(核黄素)10毫克烟酰胺30毫克维生素B6(盐酸吡哆素)10毫克泛酸(钙-D-泛酸钙)10毫克生物素10微克叶酸(叶酸)0.2毫克维生素B12(氰钴胺素)20微克维生素C(抗坏血酸)100毫克维生素D3(胆)10微克(400 IU)维生素E(D-α生育酚琥珀酸酯)16.7毫克AT(25 IU)酒石酸胆碱15毫克肌醇。 8毫克蛋氨酸5毫克矿物质:钙(碳酸盐,柠檬酸盐,磷酸二钙)125毫克镁(氧化物)62.5毫克钾(柠檬酸)10毫克铁(富马酸亚铁)10毫克锌(柠檬酸)。 10毫克锰(柠檬酸)0.2毫克非药用成分微晶纤维素,硬脂酸,苜蓿,柑橘生物类黄酮,谷氨酸,橙皮苷,PABA,芸香苷,羧甲基纤维素钠,涂层(羧甲基纤维素钠,糊精,右旋糖,卵磷脂,柠檬酸钠,香兰素),蔬菜级硬脂酸镁(润滑剂),大豆卵磷脂。 成人:每日1片
$5.75 $6.75
Feature summary You might not think “getting enough magnesium” is as important as “getting enough...
$7.00 $8.00
Feature summary Zinc is a very active mineral in human metabolism. It supports immunity, skin...
$2.00 $2.25
Feature summary Immune-boosting zinc with Echinacea purpurea and vitamin C helps prevent and soothe sore...
$2.00 $2.25
Feature summary Immune-boosting zinc with Echinacea purpurea and vitamin C to help prevent and sooth...